The spring break of my senior year left me transformed. My friend and I were leaving for Hawaii on that Thursday to compete with our choir in a competition. Leading up to our departure, I stayed at her house for a few nights. The day before leaving, we decided to take a road trip south to Ventura and Ojai, and here is how it went. 

Thrifting in Ventura and Ojai

We left in the late morning; the drive south was scenic with the ocean on the right and hills on the left, the morning sun shining brightly upon their slopes. In Ventura, we stopped at a swap meet that beheld many treasures, from clothes to jewelry to plants. I did purchase clothes but got a few things including a purse that was on sale and a new plant I named Holly. This specific swap meet is held only on Wednesdays at the Ventura County Fairgrounds and costs 2 dollars for entry. 

Our goal was to drive up to Ojai eventually, so we winded our way through the green valley and parked, walking out to meet the hot sun in the small town. We ate lunch at Love Social Cafe and wandered around the town, walking to find more antique and thrift stores. The thrift stores in Ojai are amazing– some of the best I have ever been to before. We went to the 2nd Helpings Thrift Store and the prices were amazing and so was the quality of items. My friend found items that are now some of her favorite pieces she owns, including a maxi skirt and a burgundy leather jacket. I got a green pot to hold my new plant and yarn to crochet with. The employees were very friendly. 

Something I love about traveling is how it can unlock emotions I would usually avoid giving attention to. Being surrounded by new scenery uncovers space I am able to dissect my thoughts. It can feel burdening at times, but after I am able to more freely let go. I felt this melancholy sadness appearing in Ojai, and I discussed with my friend how I notice this every time I leave home. It allowed me to return to my life more liberated, opening myself to receive all the good that came to the rest of that week. Mental space is needed to receive wholesome experiences.