I feel like I’m living in a dream

The other day, I was talking to one of my friends about how summer feels like a pause. In the fall, people will ask you how your summer was, and it never really matters what you did. You can say, “I started a new job and traveled across Europe and met my soulmate,” or you can say, “I did nothing,” and you’ll get a similar response either way. I feel so lucky and grateful to call this place and these people my home. To have a sense of safety and release anytime I return.

I feel like, for now, I’m just trying to build my life by living in it. It’s a season to flourish and I’m taking up every opportunity to enjoy it as long as I am able to.

I think it’s easy to focus on the future or dwell in the past, to constantly think about how we could be doing things differently or should have done them differently. But the way I see it is how am I supposed to love the future when it comes if I’m not learning to love the present? And well, if I can’t love days spent at the beach and going out with friends and making breakfast in the mornings, I think I’d be a lost cause.

It’s a reminder to love life. And when it feels hard to, I always make it a goal for myself to embrace that inner peace when it is easiest to. I can practice finding that happiness when it’s being handed to me on a silver platter in order to reach for it when it’s a little more clouded. Surrendering to that bliss rather than preparing for the next challenge to come has never set me back. I’ve never regretted allowing myself to enjoy what I have.