I consider myself to be a plant enthusiast. I was not always this way, there was a time when I bought artificial flowers to decorate my room. But alas, those dark times have passed and I am now surrounded by a jungle of tiny succulents, an African Violet that had to undergo surgery, and a leafy tree thing that wilts in the sun. In this post, I will be discussing why I love caring for houseplants and why you should too. 

The Scientific Benefits of Houseplants

In an article by Sophie Lee, she dissects a study conducted by NASA(published in 2007) that proves houseplants can have a positive effect on your life in various ways. Plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen, purifying the air and helping us breathe easier. Lee writes, “Studies have also proven that indoor plants improve concentration and productivity (by up to 15 percent!), reduce stress levels, and boost your mood– making them perfect for not just your home but your workspace, too.” 

Why I Love Houseplants

My mental health has improved greatly ever since taking care of my houseplants. Plants have made me a happier person. It is hard to stay sad when I am surrounded by so many lovely living things. Taking time out to care for my green friends and restore nature has made me more positive. Most of the plants I have in my room do not need much attention, but I still need to tend to them a few times a week. This small responsibility leads me to feel more productive and successful, leading to more productivity and success. 

Growing Plants

One way you can get started growing plants is by propagating them. I recently went out to breakfast and the restaurant had so many beautiful, healthy plants. Hanging right next to us was a philodendron, and it was tempting me to take a few branches home. I ended up asking the waiter if I could cut some branches off and he said yes. I recently put them in little jars of water and I am hoping they will start to form roots. This is my first time propagating so I hope it works. Another way you can start growing plants is by seed. I have found seed germination to be challenging at times and a bit of patience is needed for it to be successful. Lastly, you can visit your local nursery and purchase a plant there.