Mornings are my favorite time of day, and there’s a routine I’ve been doing on and off the past year. I’ve addressed what my morning routine looks like a few times on here but wanted to get more detailed about it in this post and discuss why I do these things.

Morning Energy

Waking up with the sun has never been something I regret doing. The quiet hours filled with birdsong and the low-hanging sun are pacific. I truly believe that the way I start my day in some way determines how the rest of it is going to go. By embracing a tranquil feeling early on, I am better capable of taking those feelings with me throughout the rest of my day. I am currently working on waking earlier since my sleep schedule has been destroyed since Grad Nite. 


After opening my window and lighting a candle, I begin writing in my journal. Writing in this form has freed my mind in many ways, and it has become something that I don’t know how I would function positively without. It is an amazing thing to see my own story unfolding. I can only imagine how strange it will be once I’ve finished and look back on the past year. When prioritizing what I want to write about, it is entirely dependent on my emotional state. Sometimes I need to indulge myself in painful feelings and other times I’ll intentionally write about things to lift my spirits. I’ll document my days, and write about what is making me happy, or what internal struggles I’m facing. However, the thing I love most about journaling is that it allows me to focus my thoughts so I am able to live more peacefully and with thoughts I am consciously shaping my life with. 

Yoga and Meditation

After I complete writing, I like to go outside, roll out my mat, and do an easy yoga flow. In the summer I love doing this early since it gets warm quickly. I usually listen to music and move in whatever way my body is calling for. On occasion, I enjoy driving to a scenic location and flowing there. Music always sounds better to me in the morning. After I am done, I either sit or lay down and meditate for 5-10 minutes; not long but usually enough for me to quiet my mind and bring more harmony to my emotional wellbeing. I sometimes place crystals on their corresponding chakras if I am laying down.