Lately I’ve been procrastinating on a lot of things and my life has felt a bit scattered. 

Initially, this post was supposed to be more of a productive day of me getting my life organized but it ended up being a lot more slow and relaxing haha. 

So this post is me taking you through a day of self care with recipes and some productive things scattered here and there. 

At 8:30 am I woke up, drank a glass of water, and changed into my workout clothes to do a workout. 

I usually workout at night or in the evening but I had plans later in the day and since it’s getting hotter I wanted to get it over with first thing in the morning. 

I did a half hour spin workout I found on pinterest followed with an abs and butt workout on the app 7 minute women.

I cooled down with a bit of stretching and then showered and did my skincare routine. 

For breakfast I was really hungry so I decided to have something a bit more filling and hearty. 

For dinner the night before, we had fresh yellowfin tuna that a family friend had caught and shared with us.

I shredded the leftover tuna and mixed it with a tablespoon of a dairy free garlic dip from Trader Joe’s and also added some sliced cornichons, which is just a really fancy name for mini pickles. 

I added the tuna spread to some sourdough toast and it was so good!

I don’t like mayo so that’s why I added the garlic spread instead but you could definitely add it if you like it or don’t have the garlic spread. 

If you want some other easy breakfast ideas you can check out 3 easy and healthy vegan breakfasts.

After breakfast I did some biology preview which I’ve been doing to prepare me for AP Bio which I’ll be taking next year and I’m so scared. 

I went through half of one of the chapters and highlighted key points. 

I then put away some of my clothes before my bio tutor arrived. 

By the time I was done with bio, I was really tired for some reason so I decided to take a middle of the day nap. 

I ended up sleeping for around an hour and a half which was a lot longer than I intended to but I guess I was really tired. 

By the time I had woken up it was 3:00 in the afternoon and I hadn’t eaten lunch.

I tend to eat lunch on the later side anyways so this was not very out of the normal. 

I wasn’t super hungry so I just had some fresh summer fruits along with some bread another family friend made for us. 

At 3:45 I drove to the pool to meet up with a friend and we spent a couple hours there listening to music and eating more fresh fruit and veggies. 

I took my second shower of the day since I went in the water. 

I applied some hair oil to my ends and did my night skincare routine.

When I got home I went outside to do some stretching. 

I usually just do some simple yoga to start out and then finish with some stretching that varies depending what my body feels like it needs on that day. 

I finished off the day with having dinner with my mom.

Tonight, we had sauteed shrimp and green beans along with a salad which we have every night. 

We watched Dead to Me on Netflix which is what we are currently watching.After, I got ready for bed and listened to a sleepcast on the meditation app, Headspace until I fell asleep.