Reading is not my favorite thing to do.

It’s never been something I really enjoy doing- but I want to change that. 

I feel that most successful and smart people read, so I’ll give it another shot. 

The book I will be reading is Julie & Julia, by Julie Powell.

I decided to try reading this book after I saw the movie, which I liked enough since I got the novel it is based off of. 

I’ve created this post to create small and attainable goals for myself, as one who does not usually like to read and finds the task even a bit daunting.

~read 10 pages every day~

For me, this is a difficult goal to achieve.
In the past, I have not been very good at holding myself accountable to do certain things I set out to do. 

I’ve tried to achieve goals similar to this one in the past but have not succeeded, so hopefully it will stick this time…

~work it into my routine~

I think that one of the places where I’ve gone wrong in the past was not creating a specific time to add reading into my schedule.

This is why I plan on scheduling about a half hour into my day set aside for reading and nothing else. 

I haven’t decided when quite yet, but I’m thinking either early in the evening or the morning. 

~reflect on the positive experiences~

I’ve developed a bad association with reading, and I want to change that. 

About once a week, I want to reflect on how reading has made me happier, smarter, and how it’s benefiting me. 

I usually focus more on how much I hate it, and if I want to start building this habit and enjoying doing it, I will need to think more positively about it.