In a recent post, I mentioned mornings to be a crucial aspect of the joy cultivated in my life. The crisp morning air blended with soft golden light, and a world absent of its peak business creates some of the best energy, in my opinion. If anything, I seek to make this video a reminder to choose your favorite part of the day and embrace it by filling it with mindful moments.

As my favorite time is the morning time, here are the habits I strive for on a daily basis that I can say with confidence have most definitely changed my life to be more productive, fulfilling, and abundant in love.

Starting Slow, but Right Away

An immediate damper to the momentum I have starting my day is hitting the snooze button countless times. This is still something I’m guilty of doing quite often, but I always feel the most energized when I get up after the first alarm goes off. From there, I allow myself time to wake up, but I just need to get started. I like taking my time, and giving myself that by getting up right away allows me to do so.

The First Ritual

As someone who commonly procrastinates, having a simple first ritual to kickstart my routine is necessary to combat overwhelment. For me as it probably is for most, it’s fueling my caffine addiction, but I also just love having a hot cup of tasty coffee so there’s a mindful component added to it as well. I find that something easy and intuitive is the perfect way to draw myself into a mindful and peaceful state of mind.

Morning Light and Time Outside

If I wake up early, I may as well reward myself with my favorite part about waking up early, and that’s just simply the outside energy. The world is more quiet at this time and I feel like I can listen to what the earth has to say and ground my own energy within that day’s uniqueness.

Whether it is going for a walk, just sitting outside for a few minutes, or jumping in a body of water— it all feels so good.


Ever since I started journaling 3 years ago, it has become a personality trait of mine. I’ve been trying to instill more discipline in myself recently, and I’ve been learning that journaling consistently every morning plays a big role in cultivating good productive habits over time. It’s a little task I can check off first thing in the morning, I enjoy doing it, it helps me to learn things about myself, and provides a space for me to put down distracting thoughts. I also notice that my overall well-being improves in almost every way when I journal often. When I don’t, my mind feels foggier, I do less than I would like, and overall I’m less fulfilled. In a way, it’s kind of like my gateway drug to living a happier life.

Writing a List

Similarly, writing down a list daily gives me goals to achieve each day, otherwise I’ll forget about things or just push things off. At the end of the day, it gives me a way to measure how productive I’ve been, and that makes me feel more at ease and motivated. It makes things more like a game. They’re almost little quests I need to pursue in order to level up.