Since it is February and spring is approaching, I found it fitting to revisit the past month and share mindful moments that left me feeling full of warmth and appreciation.

Connecting with the Earth

The biggest lesson I’ve learned in the last 4 weeks is that the earth is incredibly healing and can be inspiring in times of mental despair. Exploring the mountains earlier this month was a turning point in my understanding of this– learning there was so much to discover, I just had to search for it. In my own life, I have uncovered that I can achieve a greater connection to the earth the more effort I expel; physical energy, meditating in solitude. I have been returning to the earth frequently this month, but one notable experience took place during a late afternoon. I had about 45 minutes to spend so I drove up an old road that leads into the mountains, parked at the edge of a cliff, and climbed up a steep hill. The top was empty of people and upon it were small blossoming yellow flowers sprinkled upon the soft soil. I had a mountain all to myself! Intentionally disconnected from a more advanced world and standing on a simple, untouched hill I felt a rush of melancholy emotions.

Expressive Journaling

Something I’ve been trying to instill in myself is that healing does not always mean coming up with a solution to a problem, rather, it is embracing oneself for what feelings arise and learning how to become content in the process. I have been taking this intention with me into journaling, as I have a difficult time stating personal struggles without writing a way I can fix them. I will commonly disregard things that bother me when I do not have a solution. One morning I was journaling and I let go of this expectation. I laid everything down that was deeply troubling me on three pages, and felt an immediate release of tension.

Mornings and Sacred Sisterhood

A week ago I met my friend at a lookout spot that is becoming very green after the winter rain in December. We laid on the earth and I crocheted while she made friendship bracelets. We meditated while holding hands before driving our separate ways to school. It is comforting to be surrounded by people who balance the energy I exchange with them; I do not take too much from them and they do not take from me. In return, deeper and more trusting connections are made with those people in my life.