The school year is approaching and oh it is in a week. I thought it was two weeks away but I just checked and sure enough, it starts next Tuesday. I feel like this summer of blogging did not go at all the way I was expecting it to. 

Recently, I started writing in a journal and it has changed my life in just a week. This time of year feels very different than previous years and it has been nice writing down my thoughts. My blog has acted in a similar way during the past month. Today’s post is going to be similar to this “journaling” format I have been experimenting with. Previously my friend and I had visited colleges in Northern California, and this time we went to Southern California. On this particular day, we visited UCLA(University of California Los Angeles), LMU(Loyola Marymount University), and on the way home, we stopped at Malibu Pier for brunch.

Loyola Marymount University

In the morning we drove to a private university in Southern California, Loyola Marymount. The campus was beautiful with a bridge near the front entrance, grass fields, and a gorgeous view of Los Angeles. For me, the best thing about touring these colleges has been how pretty they are. I love pretty things. I can admit that I am materialistic at times haha. LMU was hosting driving tours of campus when we went, and we got to drive in our car with a recorded tour which was very interesting. 

University of California Los Angeles

UCLA is a very popular university in California, I might even go as far to say that it is the most popular UC school(either that or Berkeley). My mother used to attend UCLA so she gave my friend and I a tour of the campus. Despite being a very large school, UCLA is a little more condensed than the other UC’s so it did not feel quite as big as some of the others, notably UC Santa Cruz. I let out an audible gasp when I saw some of the architecture as I thought it looked like Hogwarts. I understand that some of my readers may be tired of hearing me say, “it looked like Hogwarts” or “it reminded me of Harry Potter” but I can promise you that I will not stop.

Malibu Pier

On the way home my friend requested that we stop to eat at Malibu Farms which is on the pier. I wish we could have stayed for longer. The view was stunning and there were beautiful shops and boutiques. For brunch, my friend and I shared pancakes and an omelet. We also got matcha latte’s which were bright green and very tasty.

I hope you enjoyed this post despite how short it was. I love going on these road trips and sharing photos and my experiences. If I had to guess, Wednesday’s post is probably going to be a slow living one since I currently have nothing else planned haha. I wish to continue posting twice a week once the school year starts, but I suppose I will have to see if I can keep that promise. Until Wednesday then!