Recently I wrote a blog post about Litha, one of the 8 pagan sabbats. I thought a good complement to that post would be how I celebrated the summer solstice. Most of the day I spent driving to Los Angeles but I still did a few things to recognize the day of light and approaching darkness. 

Sunrise in the Hills

I was initially going to watch the sunrise alone, but after unintentionally waking my family up at 5 a.m., they joined. We drove to one of my favorite places on earth. It’s a lookout over the freeway and ocean and is surrounded by elevated grassland. The morning was misty but color was faintly seen in the fog, shades of pink and orange and light blue. The fields that were bright green in the spring are now golden in the hot months. Driving back we got coffee and listened to music. 

Outdoor Shower

Since I was staying at my Aunt’s house in LA I was unable to do some of what I initially planned for Litha. That being said, her home provided different opportunities to connect with the summer day, one of which was an outdoor shower. I used it as a way to cleanse my emotional energy, focusing on deep breathing and imagining the water was washing away anything I needed to let go of. I find it shocking how quickly clarity can be restored to the mind through deep breathing and meditation. 

Sunset in Torrance 

In the evening we drove to get ice cream and the clouds looked immaculate reflecting the sun’s fleeting light. My friend and I did yoga in my aunt’s backyard while the sky was still slightly illuminated. One thing I love about the Sabbats is that they are a constant reminder of change. They remind me to pay attention to the seasonal changes, along with shifts happening in my life. They help me to see where I have been and where I am now.