Wow, would you look at that, I actually am posting today. That is pretty exciting. If you are like me and spend most of your time watching productivity videos and not doing any work, you probably know about Notion, the all in one organization system. 

I started using Notion at the beginning of 2021 and I could not be happier with it. It is customizable and useful and my dashboard is very aesthetic haha. This post is going to be broken up into several parts, first discussing what Notion is and why I like it, then we will go over my dashboard and the websites I go to on a daily basis(including my master to-do list), and finally, I will give you some tips on how to make your Notion dashboard practical and aesthetic. I will also link some of my favorite study youtuber’s videos about their Notion setup. I hope you enjoy this post and it inspires you.

What is Notion?

Notion is a customizable organization tool. The possibilities are endless with Notion, which is one of the reasons I love it so much. My favorite thing about Notion is probably the fact that I am able to keep everything I need in one place. I am a very forgetful person, and it stresses me out when I forget to go to a website, check my email, or add to my to-do list. Notion makes it super easy to keep all of that stuff on one website. I use the embed feature a lot, which allows you to embed different links and websites within your dashboard. I use this feature so I can have my calendar, master to-do list, and more on my dashboard. 

My Notion Layout

It took me a little while to set up my dashboard for the first time but I am pretty proud of the way it looks and I use it everyday. For the header image on my dashboard, I have a cottagecore photo I found on pinterest. My dashboard consists of four main things; first, there is my daily category, then there is my routine category, my to-do lists, and finally, I have my google calendar at the bottom. 

In the daily category, I have my master to-do list, school work, blogging, creative branch, and Good Reads. I use Todoist as my main list and I love it. It is very easy to use and is the place where I keep everything I have to do and their due dates. There is not much in school work as I do most of my homework and notes in google drive. I use my blogging category a lot, as it has my notes, post outlines, a link to where I write my posts in google drive, a workflow, and more. The creative branch is basically where I keep anything random. Finally, I have a link to Good Reads to remind me to read everyday so I can achieve my goal for this year(I am behind by two books lol). 

Under routines I have a section for my morning and night routine, along with some daily habits. I do not have anything written for my routines so far, but I have five habits that I try to do most days(check email, workout, read, practice voice, and get to 10,000 steps).

Finally I have my to-do list section as well as my google calendar. Like I said before, I used the embed feature to put in my calendar. My daily to-do lists are labeled Monday through Friday. This is where I divide my work from my master list and schedule it for different days throughout the week. I find this part of my dashboard very useful.  

How to Make Your Notion Practical and Aesthetic

I am not going to be going over how to use Notion since there are already a lot of resources you can find on that, but I will go over some of my tips to not only make your Notion Dashboard Aesthetic, but also make it a helpful resource to organize your life. Use inspiration, but do not copy someone else’s dashboard just for the sake of making it aesthetic. I tried Notion last year in 2020 but it did not work for me at first. This was because I tried to copy other peoples’ dashboards and I put way too much stuff on it which left me feeling verwhelmed. Only put things that you need on your dashboard and do not overcomplicate your layout. Keep it simple. In order to make your dashboard aesthetic, try to incorporate your own style. If you like a more minimalist vibe with earthy tones, then make your Notion like that. I love cottagecore and academia things, so I made my dashboard aline with that. I have linked below some of my favorite videos for inspiration on this topic that you can check out if you want more inspiration. 

Tan Yi

Ruby Granger


Thank you for reading this post and I’ll hopefully be back with another one on Wednesday!