Last year I wrote a post on daily habits for a magickal wellbeing, and lately, I’ve been inspired to do another lifestyle post similar to it. I am also making a video on a similar topic, though it will have different habits than this post. Speaking of which, I will be posting more on my channel so if you like what I write on here then you might enjoy checking it out. I am trying to find some stability in my routine currently. Having daily habits help me create something that is more fulfilling and productive. 

Reading and Annotating

I’ve been reading books about yoga and spirituality recently. Underlining phrases and key ideas help me to connect to the material. It can be challenging to focus on pages of text, so keeping a writing tool in my hand as I go along allows me to concentrate and comprehend better. I commonly journal about ideas that catch my attention as well. It is nice to translate what I am learning into my own words. Annotating books has made reading more enjoyable. 

Morning Habits

Though I do not get to them every morning, I try my best to complete three tasks after my alarm goes off. This includes journaling, some form of asana, and a short meditation. Journaling is most important in my routine, so I start with that first. A combination of these three things calms me down and uplift my spirits. On the days I do not proceed to do these, I hold more anxiety and unwanted energy. It feels cleansing to write and move in the mornings. I am aware that this photo below is very similar to the one I did for journaling prompts last year haha. 

Wholesome Time Spent with Others

Something I have been learning is that time spent with others doesn’t need to be draining, rather, it can be restorative. Many times this won’t come unless I know someone well, but I believe it is important to strengthen and nourish the relationships that have the potential to become energizing. In time I am hoping that I can transfer how comfortable I am with people I have been close with for years to others I am getting to know. Sustainable relationships for me have been ones where there are deep conversations and we mutually get to know ourselves better in the process.