Recently, I was journaling and I realized I’ve been defining myself based on my experiences. What we allow to define us, plays a huge role in the experiences we manifest. So if we allow ourselves to be defined by those manifestations, it can actually deprive us of what we desire because we are allowing external factors to validate ourselves.

I’ve been depriving myself of the things I desire because I’ve been waiting to get those things through my manifestations, and they just haven’t been manifesting because of that deprivation. You can’t manifest love externally if you haven’t manifested it within. You can’t manifest happiness externally if you haven’t found happiness within yourself.

So the other day when I was journaling, I wondered, why do I do this to myself? I can’t become happy or feel loved if I’m waiting for that very feeling. We can’t wait forever. At some point, we need to find it within ourselves.

Nothing exists for us unless we experience it directly. The potential for love and happiness exists around us, but it won’t exist for us unless we find it within ourselves first. Otherwise, we won’t know what we are looking for.

Our manifestations do not define us. We define ourselves through our conscious and subconscious, and our manifestations reflect what we’ve already cultivated within ourselves

The times I’ve felt desperate for something in my life, I’ve never manifested it. The times I’ve wanted to prove to myself that I’m worthy of the things I desire by achieving those things, I’ve never manifested what I want. Desperation comes from a place of lack, of feeling like you need something. Desperation is the feeling of deeply wanting something, but telling yourself that you don’t have it over and over again.

I believe that the reason why we want to acquire everything we desire is because it’s rooted in a feeling. You want a partner because you want to feel in love. Maybe you want that job because you want to feel enjoyment towards your career. You want friends to feel supported. We want things and don’t want things because, at the end of the day, we want to achieve a feeling and avoid other feelings.

We experience feelings internally, not externally. I’ve never manifested something that makes me feel a certain way without experiencing that feeling within myself first and turning it into a part of my identity. When desperation takes over, manifestation is still occurring, it is just presenting itself in the form of not getting what we want.

Our feelings aren’t a product of our manifestations. Our manifestations are a product of our feelings.