Can I please get a round of applause; I am coming today with a post that I actually planned and organized. By “planned” I really mean, I thought about it a few days before it was being posted and wrote it a day before. Procrastination and productivity; it is a balance. 

Being a productive and healthy person is something many people aspire to. I myself have read and watched countless amounts of blogs and videos about wholesome habits everyone needs in their lives. However, it was not until recently that I had a handful of daily habits to call my own. 

I recognize that there are many factors that go into living a happy life, but I can say with certainty that these habits have made me more mindful and my life magickal. If you are able to, I suggest adding one of these into your own daily routine. 


I am a plant nerd, and I am becoming more of one every day. I started growing a garden back in the spring and it has made my life much more meaningful. My squash plant is now beginning to produce fruits that are ready to be harvested. I could talk about the benefits I have experienced from gardening for ages, but for the sake of your own sanity, I will try to condense it down to a few sentences. I care for my plants with the intention that they are my family. By doing so, I have been able to make deeper connections with the earth and the food I eat. Tending to nature is very grounding. There is something so sacred about watching a plant grow as you change as a person. It is as if you and the plant are growing together and mirroring each other. 


Listening to podcasts has been a more recent obsession of mine. I have specifically been listening to Lil’ Black Witch and Belonging. Lil’ Black Witch is hosted by two friends and spiritual partners, Praxie and Joi. The two of them have so much chemistry and bounce compelling ideas off of each other flawlessly. They are very interesting to listen to and make so many important points when it comes to witchcraft in modern society, including the cultural appropriation taking place. They also share personal experiences, tips, spells, and affirmations. I love listening to their episodes in the morning as I get ready. Belonging is a podcast by Becca Piastrelli and it has themes of reconnection to the lands of the past, sisterhood, and living alongside the seasons. Her voice makes me feel very calm. Some of her earlier episodes are shorter, which is convenient when I am looking for something to listen to on a car ride. 

Herbal Recipes

Working with the magickal properties of plants is something I have been slowly delving into during the past nine months. My knowledge is still limited, but I am trying to keep my practice mindful and simple for now. I love concocting herbal mixtures from plants I either grew or foraged; it gives me a strengthening feeling. Currently, I am attempting to make rosemary enfleurage or essential oil. I have been finding it so much fun to do research and play around with different herbs and ingredients. Two resources I have used as assistance in this endeavor of mine are the book, The Green Witch, by Arin Murphy-Hiscock and the youtube channel, The Green Witch

Waking Early

This habit is very basic but I had to put it in because the vibes in the morning are simply put, immaculate. Even if I am sleep-deprived, I love to rise early because it is sometimes the happiest I feel all day. I love starting off my day so wonderfully with the cool, fresh, morning breeze and the misty blanket of fog that lays over my neighborhood. I love watering my plants in the morning and stretching. Waking up early is beautiful. 


I started journaling at the beginning of August while I was in Seattle and have been consistently writing ever since then. Journaling is an outlet I never knew I needed to feel so much better. If I had to stress one habit more than the others on this list, it would be to journal. One misconception I had about journaling was that you had to do morning pages, or a bullet journal, or any other journal that productive people tend to carry with them. Once I let go of what I believed journaling should be, I started to enjoy it and gain something positive from it. If you want to start journaling, write what you want to write about. I personally use my journal as a diary to log my days, feelings, and stories. My favorite place to write is on a blanket in the park.