On a misty morning, while driving, I listened to a podcast about the moon phases. Lately, I have felt chaotic and not in control of my own life. Hearing about the moon and how we can shift our intentions to grow and let go, was exactly the form of communication I needed at that moment. The moon is stable but always changing. 

I have discussed the changing of the seasons in almost every recent blog post by this point, but I constantly think about it. This period in time seems so dramatic, so exciting. It has been as if each day I don’t know if I will feel disappointed or free. Calm or scattered. Listening to how the phases of the moon work were serendipitous as if something I could not express internally was being spoken aloud to me. I crave change and stability. 

The moon is currently entering a period of waning. My intentions for the end of august run true to the waning moon phase; letting go. I want to break bad habits and limiting thoughts. I want to banish negative energy and release the pressures of uncomfortable situations from the past I still cling to. Below I have written down some tangible ways I would like to do this. 

Cleansing with intention is one way I plan on letting go. Personally, this means taking mindful showers at the end of the day. I recently discarded my old lavender flowers and placed some new daisies in a jar instead. There are habits I would like to break such as procrastinating, and thoughts I want to let go of such as finding the mundane to be intolerable. 

The phases of the moon are similar to the seasons. This waning period is particularly notable to me because as the moon wanes so does nature. The leaves will change from green to a vibrant crimson and golden. The summer colors will fade. I see the moon cycle as a way to recognize that everything around me is constantly changing, but I can move freely with those changes and learn to work with them rather than critique them. 

I love to find inspiration in nature– it is so wholesome and comforting. Looking to others for inspiration can be fascinating and helpful, but it is easy to compare lives. When I turn to the elements, I find so much more to be grateful for, hopeful for, and feel no urge to change my ways to fit an “aesthetic” or lifestyle. 

These blog posts have been getting more random(this is mainly because I have started school and I am still learning how to write on here and study enough). Hopefully, soon I will begin to post more organized things. Until Wednesday then!