In June of 2021, I traveled to Costa Rica. I wrote little about it, but a year later I am here to share highlights and takeaways that I still refer back to. Not posting as many stories about places I have gone to in the past year as I would have liked, I might turn this into a series dedicated to these amazing locations I have captured on my camera. I am blissful that I got to start this incredible traveling journey in Playa Grande, Costa Rica. 

Discovering Increased Physical Bravery

One morning I was exploring the beach, walking down the soft, sandy path and gazing out at the white peaked water. The shore was home to an abundance of places to explore; short trails, rocks, and hidden views. Wildlife was common to witness. The greenery was more vivid than I had ever seen before. 

I spent much of my time that morning alone, climbing over rocks and diving under the warm waves. Traversing anywhere in nature has always made me feel enlivened. After swimming in the water for some time, I noticed a large rock, one I had previously thought would be too challenging to climb, was now host to two casual tourists at the top. 

I walked around and watched them hike back down a narrow path before carefully climbing down the steep base. Over the years and especially after I had quit swimming, I had become less active. I never worked out or took rewarding physical risks. I wanted to ascend the rock but felt fear welling up inside of me, doubting my abilities as I hadn’t exercised physical bravery in a long time. Traveling has always helped me view myself differently though. Only having one chance to explore this beach, I tried climbing the rock. I was alone and had gotten high enough that my body knew if I fell I’d injure myself. It helped to propel me higher until I reached the narrow trail and walked the rest of the way. 

The Pinnacle

Scanning the view over the ocean was a feeling of accomplishment that is difficult to recreate. I had the space to myself and felt capable of the physical bravery I used to demonstrate when I was younger. I lacked skill, but in this case, it was more mind over matter. As embarrassing as it might sound, going up a rock was genuinely a highlight of my year. 


The term “yoga” translates to “union” which I find interesting since this trip taught me how to unite my mind and body in many ways. While in Costa Rica I took my first yoga class, and it has been a prominent part of my life since then. Without a doubt, I know it will continue to be. There was a studio a mile away from where we resided. My mom along with a few others decided they wanted to take a class one morning. I had little else to do so I came along. I enjoyed the class more than I thought I would. The asana was challenging and I was overwhelmed by the amount of experience in the room, but the instructor was kind and gave an equal amount of attention to everyone in the room. She seemed to be grateful for everyone’s presence, and not their skill level coming into the room. Her energy was warm and welcoming. 

Leaving the studio I felt lighter, and my mind was settled. I wasn’t looking for something to fixate on and worry about. On the walk back I was more aware of the sounds, smells, and humidity. I felt present. Later that week I took a Yin Yoga class with the same teacher. At the end of the class, we pulled tarot cards and sipped hot tea. 

Taking these two classes changed my perception and motives when it came to physical exertion. I practice yoga to broaden my emotional and spiritual well-being along with keeping my body healthy. It has allowed me to stay committed to it for longer than I commit to most things. I enjoy it the more I learn about it. 

For this final “chapter” of this post, here are some more photos that I wanted to showcase.