It is winter in the northern hemisphere. I tell myself that winter is my preferred season; which really means slightly colder and cloudier days. A speck of snow can’t be spotted where I live. However, during winter I seem to question this belief of mine when the sadness seeps in. Regardless, even on the days where I find I’m miserable, I can’t help but appreciate the solemn sky and restful trees. 

Indoors on the Winter Solstice

Last Tuesday I celebrated the winter solstice. Well, last Tuesday was the winter solstice, though, in my attempts to do something noteworthy, my lack of energy left me spending most of my day sleeping. It went like this; I fell asleep with the second Harry Potter movie on in the background, woke up, and managed to clean my room. I lit some candles and journaled under the light. I spent a half-hour doing shadow work. Later I wrote holiday cards on cardstock soaked in coffee. I have yet to deliver them. It was more successful than I initially expected. 

Holiday Shopping and Rainy Weather

The next day I was determined to do more celebratory things and leave the house so I could take photos for this post; it went decently well. Considering my inconsistency when it comes to posting on this website, you may be able to guess I am one to procrastinate buying holiday gifts for my family. After picking up my friend and driving to a variety of stores I was unsatisfied with, we gathered under a tent in the rain, with evergreen trees beneath it. We appreciated their pine branches before trudging further into the vicinity to look at the plants the nursery was home to. I bought a cactus. For my aunt. Afterward, we went to a bookstore swarmed with shoppers scattered about the place. 

Isolation in the Clouds

That evening, I went to one of my favorite places; a quiet road overlooking the ocean and fields of green. Though I have never been, it is what I’d picture Scotland, or perhaps Ireland to look like. Rain clouds engulfed the scenic view, and I spent time reading under the warm car light before driving home.