Seasons have always been a big inspiration in my life. I love how each season brings something new that is beautiful, but the glory of that season does not last forever. The beauty is constantly shifting into a new one, making each time of year special. 

Despite my admiration for each of the four seasons, I have to say that my favorite is winter(said by someone who lives where it is very sunny and warm most of the time). Rainy weather has always been my favorite and it makes me joyful. 

While I was in Seattle with my grandma, we decided to celebrate the peak of summer, the gathering season, and the upcoming fall. I adore autumn; the days grow colder and nature becomes vibrant with unique colors. 

Journaling Prompts

We began our day early at 5:40 a.m. I went downstairs from our hotel to get tea and we watched the sunrise from our hotel window. I had written some journaling prompts to reflect over the summer and get excited about fall. Here they are if you want to write answers to them as well. 

What was your biggest challenge during the summer? How did it affect you mentally? What made it so difficult for you to cope with?

What were the biggest lessons you learned over the last few summer months? How have you changed from them?

What are some of the things that have made you feel uneasy, anxious, or sad over the last few months? Why did they make you feel this way?

What were some of your victories from summer? (these can be very small things such as eating at a favorite restaurant)

What does the fall season mean to you? What is your biggest intention for this season?

What are three unhealthy habits you have that you want to change? Explain if it helps you to gain clarity on these.

What are the three habits you want to replace your unhealthy habits with?

What are some ways you plan on taking action on your goals prior to the Autumn Equinox?

Sunday Farmers’ Market on Capitol Hill

My mother loves going to the farmers’ market, but she expresses her annoyance when tourists stroll about and take up space. Well, that was me this past weekend. The Capital Hill’s Farmers’ Market had some exciting foods including a stand with different mushrooms, many of which I had never seen before. After buying a strawberry popsicle, we marched our way over to a grassy slope where I enjoyed my icy treat and journaled under the shade of a tree.

Chihuly Glass Garden and Space Needle

We took a taxi to the Chihuly Garden and Glass to check out the Space Needle and visit the glass museum. We did not actually tour the Space Needle but it was still fun to look at it from a short distance. The garden was magnificent and the glass sculptures were riveting. My grandma and I got sparkling water to sip while we journaled under a glorious display in the glass house. This one one of the best highlights from the trip. 

Sunset by the Waterfront

For dinner we went to a seafood restaurant on the Waterfront and we arrived as the sun was beginning to set over the horizon. The Seattle sea was gorgeous in the evening with dusty, warm colors in the sky(probably from pollution) and flowers were hung on some of the lamp posts.

I envision autumn as the season of adventure and nostalgia. It is a time to experience the world and carry out traditions. Prior to the Autumn equinox I will be trying to execute some goals I have set for myself. One of these goals is getting into a routine. I have been waking up earlier in an attempt to accomplish my morning routine most days. A new ritual I have added to my mornings is journaling. I got a stunning journal while in Seattle and I promised myself I would put it to use and fill up every page within it. At least, that is my hope. 

Another goal of mine is to spend more time with myself. I enjoy my own company, but tend to come up with excuses as to not seek out endevours. I want to use these next months to focus on self discovery and solitude.