The First Week of Summer 2024

The First Week of Summer 2024

I feel like I’m living in a dream The other day, I was talking to one of my friends about how summer feels like a pause. In the fall, people will ask you how your summer was, and it never really matters what you did. You can say, “I started a new job and traveled...
End of Year Two Reflections

End of Year Two Reflections

One of the most discouraging things I have struggled with is the feeling of regression. I hate the feeling of moving backward. Something I’ve experienced this year that I haven’t really experienced before are feelings of jealousy towards my past self. Despite never...
Manifesting Within the Mundane

Manifesting Within the Mundane

the practical and the spiritual Manifestation. It has to be one of if not my favorite topics to contemplate. If I were to give it a definition at this very moment, I might say that manifestation is the process of energy being manipulated to form the outcomes in our...
Time Heals if You Allow it to

Time Heals if You Allow it to

I feel like I’m finally settling in. 2023 was testing in that it was the year where I needed to learn to let go. I’m almost positive it isn’t the last time I will need to learn this lesson but before 2023 I didn’t think I was capable of letting go. I’m not a very...