This global pandemic has affected everyone I know in completely different ways. 

Not only have people’s day to day lives have changed, but the way each of us cope with it is different as well. 

Even though shelter in place orders are beginning to be lifted in different places, I still thought that this would be a good post to make because some people still haven’t been released from social isolation and others just want to stay further apart. 

So here are some of my favorite ways to spend time with people while social distancing, along with things that I’m planning or want to end up doing- kind of like a quarantine bucket list. 

~social distanced picnic~

This is something that two of my friends and I are planning on doing. 

We hope to have a picnic at the beach with pizza and music at sunset, and then go swimming when it gets dark.

I also think that going on a hike and having a picnic at the top would be fun, or even just having one in a driveway. 

Also, you can use social distancing as an excuse to not let someone steal your food. 

~bike ride~

I don’t go bike riding very often, but when I do I always have a good time. 

Since you can’t share a car or carpool with anyone, I think that going for a bike ride with a friend is a great way to travel to get to a destination as well as catch up with your friend. 

I think that it would be fun to bike ride to a restaurant and get take out food and have a social distanced picnic!

~hiking or swimming~

This is a great idea if you can go for a hike and/ or have access to a body of water. 

Something me and my friend hope to do is go for a hike on a certain trail which leads to springs where we can swim and slide down little waterfalls. 

I am lucky to have access to the beach, so I’ve already gone there many times with some people.

We love to just listen to music and go swimming. 

Going for a hike is great as well, as it provides a long amount of time to catch up with someone and is usually rewarding at the end with a beautiful view.