Litha: The Summer Solstice 2022

Litha: The Summer Solstice 2022

Recently I wrote a blog post about Litha, one of the 8 pagan sabbats. I thought a good complement to that post would be how I celebrated the summer solstice. Most of the day I spent driving to Los Angeles but I still did a few things to recognize the day of light and...
Yama #1: Ahimsa/Nonviolence

Yama #1: Ahimsa/Nonviolence

With debate, the Yoga Sutras were written around the beginning of the Common Era by Patanjali. Outlined in the Yoga Sutras is the Eight Limbed Yogic Path, the first limb being Yama(the Moral Restraints). The first Yama is ahimsa or non-violence, which is what this...