Happy Wednesday travel post day. The other week my friend and I went on an aesthetic bikeride and browsed around our neighborhood. My friend has been wanting to write more, so being the good person that I am, I told her we needed to go to a bookstore and buy journals. Later we got distracted by playing “judge the book by its cover,” and then found a nursery. Luckily for me, we took plenty of photos that I can now use for my own personal benefit, aka this blog. This post will probably be a little chaotic but it was still a fun day full of good vibes. 


I think it is important to note that this was the first time I had ridden a bike in several years, so obviously, the feat was challenging. To make matters even worse, the bike I had was given to me by my grandma, who had bought it second hand and then took it to Burning Man with her. The bike had no brakes. Well, it had brakes, they just did not work. I had to jump off my bike just to slow down. I got some minor injuries in the process, but at least the bike was super cute. I actually believe that I manifested this bike since a few years ago I made a dream board in my journal that had a bike that looked exactly like the bike my grandma gave to me. I am no longer using it, but we got some good pictures out of it while we could. 

Quaint Bookstore

My friend and I went to Chaucer’s Bookstore to purchase our journals. I was originally going to buy a Harry Potter journal, but then saw that the price was ten dollars more just because it was themed. I ended up getting this beautiful red journal that gave off Harry Potter vibes and was fifteen dollars cheaper. I would say it was a win win. Here is a cringy selfie my friend and I took with our consumed products. 

Plants and the Nursery

We finished off the day by walking across the street to a nursery. If you have been reading this blog for a little while, then you would know, I really like plants. I know it is basic to take care of succulents, but I can’t help myself. My friend got some wildflower seeds(she is growing a butterfly garden). I am growing some plants right now that I started from seed, and I just transplanted them, so I am feeling pretty good about myself.