It has recently come to my knowledge that some of my older blog posts do not have photos anymore since I probably deleted them by accident somehow. Most of my older posts I have no desire to draw attention to but I loved my trip to Seattle so much over the summer that I wanted to repost this with photos. This was originally posted in August of 2021.

I am in Seattle, and there are skyscrapers to my left and right as I am writing this! My grandma and I went on a weekend trip to Seattle, Washington to visit some Universities and enjoy the scenic city. 

Visiting Seattle has always been on my bucket list since I love the rainy weather and the chaotic city. I have two blog posts that I am writing about my weekend in Seattle, though the one going up on Wednesday is going to be focused more on the changing of the seasons as opposed to the city itself. 

University of Washington

The University of Washington was our first stop. I was thrilled to march around this campus since many say it looks like Hogwarts. The beauty of this school was incredible. There were brick buildings at every turn of the head and walls with intricate trimming. It was a rainy, dark day so the buildings looked dramatic and glorious against the opaque sky. 

The Public Market

When it was lunchtime we took a taxi to the public market. The streets were filled with people and cars were attempting to drive through the rush of the crowd. We went to a seafood restaurant which had a glorious view of the Waterfront. 

After lunch, we browsed around the market which sold some of the most unique handmade items I had ever seen. I love to meet shop owners and buy products from them; it makes the item much more special. There were rows of flowers lined up against the street and many tourists were walking with a bouquet in hand. 

Books and Crystals

We strolled through this quaint bookshop that was somewhat tucked away in a corner. Upon entering this storybook oasis it felt like its own world. In a cozy reading nook on the second floor, I looked down on the busy streets below, silent to this hidden wonderland.  My grandma told me it reminded her of the Shakespeare and Company bookstore in Paris. We took a cab to a shop called Phantom Quartz with crystals, books, and much more.

The Power in the Unknown

Since the seasons are shifting and days are becoming cooler, my intentions are beginning to change as well. Personally, autumn has always been a season full of adventures and nostalgia. It is a discovery of who I used to be, who I am now, and what I will become. Rainy and cold days have always been my favorite ones since they are so mysterious. I wonder what the world is hiding and what there is to discover. 

Since I am entering my senior year of high school, I have been contemplating my future quite a bit. No matter if I decide to go to a university right away or not, life will be forever different. My years of schooling and lack of responsibility will dissolve as time passes.

It is a terrifying realization to think that nothing will ever be the same. However, I can not help but imagine the possibilities that could come of this change. I believe there is an inspiration in the unknown, as the unknown holds potential; potential for growth, success, and failure. Whether good or bad, the potential future is a story that is yet to be written. I am curious to see what will happen next in this story.