Hello and I hope you are having a lovely Wednesday. I am currently in Costa Rica surrounded by the beach, green rainforest, and Iguanas. I have been fully vaccinated for a while and I am very grateful to have traveled to this lush country with my family and our friends. 

One of the exciting things that is usually a factor in traveling is plane flights! I know it may sound strange but I have always loved long plane flights and road trips. It is even better when I am not doing anything(such as driving) and can enjoy the scenery outside. Some of my fondest memories have not been at the destination but instead during the journey. 

I could stare out of a plane window for hours watching big cities shrink and cloudy skies become blue as the plane rises, but that is not what this blog post is about. On longer flights, it is sometimes nice to have something to do. Here are some of the things I did on my recent flight to Costa Rica; I hope some of these things inspire you!

Reading a Comfort Novel

I am determined to read more this year. To get me started, I have been re-reading the Harry Potter series but some other books on my read-next list include More than Enough by Elaine Welteroth, Julie and Julia by Julie Powell, and The Sum of Us by Heather Mcgee(which I started reading and it is fascinating so far). I picked up a book for the first time in many years back at the end of 2020 and have made it a goal for myself in 2021 to read as much as I can.

Listening to Music

In my opinion the best place to listen to music is in the car. Well, and in a plane. I thought that I could use this section to recommend some of my favorite music right now. First, my current favorite album has been Dreamland by Glass Animals. I have also been listening to the Harry Potter Soundtracks a lot. Some other songs I have been loving include: Keep Moving by Jungle, Beggars Song by Matt Maeson, Too Good by Arlo Parks, Deadline by Grouplove, Dreaming Of by Phoebe Green, and anything from Augustine. 

Video Games or Life Admin

Initially I had the idea of going through Notion and organizing some things on my laptop, but then I was too lazy to connect to the plane WIFI and I ended up playing minecraft instead haha. If you have a laptop, the possibilities are honestly endless. You can take an online course, write, edit photos, do a digital declutter, clear your inbox, etc. It is ultimately up to you how you choose to spend your time but I hope that some of the things I did will inspire you to do something you love on your next long travel trip.