It is Wednesday which means it is travel post day which is also my favorite day. Last weekend my mom and I took a short road trip down to Los Angeles to see some of our family. We stayed in a hotel, drove around the south bay, and ate delicious food. It felt so good to visit someplace just for the sake of seeing family and having a great time. Our day was pretty random and full of some interesting things that I can not wait to share with you, so here was my day in South Bay, Los Angeles. 

Kirari West Bake Shop

Listen, I know it’s basic, but then again I’m a teen girl with a travel and lifestyle blog so pretty much everything I do is expected to be basic, but I do love an aesthetic coffee shop haha. My mom and I went to Kirari West Bake Shop in Torrance and got breakfast, her coffee, and my matcha(which was very delicious). After eating our tasty and aesthetic breakfast, we drove over to my aunt’s house. 


We drove to IKEA to do some browsing in the marketplace and look at all of the gorgeous displays. To be honest, going to IKEA is like going to an amusement park for me. I get so excited and fill up with anticipation just riding the escalator to the top floor. I doubt I’m the only person who gets this feeling because IKEA is fun no matter what age you are. Here, I took a photo of pillows, along with a mirror selfie of me holding a pillow. To no one’s surprise, I ended up buying the pillow.

Toro Nursery

After going to IKEA and obsessing over all of the fake plants, my aunt, mom, and I decided to go to a place where they sold real plants. We went to Toro Nursery which was one of the most amazing nurseries I’ve ever been to(keep in mind, I haven’t been to that many). The prices were incredible and the abundance of plants was astounding. The photos I have will only give you a taste to how large of a selection this place had, but hopefully you get the idea. It is definitely worth a visit if you are ever in the area. I ended up getting some pots to transplant my sprouts if my seeds(hopefully) germinate. 

Swan Thai RPV

After going to the nursery, I decided that I wanted to buy seeds(which the nursery did not have) and my aunt needed to look at kitchen faucets. What did this mean you ask? Simple answer; go to Lowe’s Home Improvement. I unfortunately do not have any photos from our trip to Lowe’s, but to summarize, we found everything we needed. A lovely woman who worked there even gave me some of the leftover plastic containers in which the plants were stored. I am now germinating my squash, tomato, and strawberry seeds in these containers. After our trip to Lowe’s, it was lunchtime, and on the menu was Thai food. We went to Swan Thai and had a delicious meal; My aunt and I had curry and my mom had a delicious looking soup. We had tiramisu for dessert and it definitely did not disappoint. 

After lunch, My mom and I went back to the hotel. I did some reading and blogging before we went over to my Aunt’s house for dinner. This trip was lovely and I hope you enjoyed this post. Here’s one last photo that I took of the view from the hotel room at night.