Hello and hi. I’ve been absent from here for quite a bit but I’m back with content prepared; now hopefully I can follow through with it. I wanted this first post back to be more of a life update because I haven’t written in a while and I’m good at talking about myself lol.

I’ve been trying out some new things recently; I started a garden a month ago(a post will be coming in the future), I’ve been sewing a little bit, and overall just been trying to spend a little more time outside because it feels like a productive way to procrastinate lol.

I’m going to try to post twice a week, on Wednesday and Saturdays— hopefully, I can stay on a schedule haha. I’m also going to stop putting my blog posts into specific categories for now since I’m still experimenting and searching for content I’ll want to post about for the long term. For now, though, it will just be a little random. I’m also going to start doing a photo dump at the end of every month as a way to kind of recollect the adventures of the last month. The first one is going up on Saturday.

I’m excited about March’s content and I hope you enjoy it too!