
I haven’t posted in a little over a week because last week was midterms. 

I’m taking another course at my local city college, and we have those tests this week but last week was my high school’s midterms. 

As fun as it was having the impending doom of my AP Calc test, I wanted to use the weekend to spend a bit of time clearing my mind and body from the stress and unhealthy choices I had made the past few days. 

Here are some simple and easy ways to spend a day of detox for yourself to get back to feeling healthy and energetic. 


Although it may be an obvious one, eating clean and drinking lots of water is a great way to flush your body of toxins and give it nutritious foods that will help with a foggy mind and increase your energy levels. 

Some Ideas for delicious and nutrient-rich foods could be fish, steamed vegetables, avocados, fresh fruit, rice, seasonal squashes– anything that comes straight from if not close to from the earth. 

I had a green smoothie for breakfast that I’m planning on doing a blog post on very soon!


I’ve been journaling a little more recently and have been loving it. 

I’ve finally found a format I love and is fun and creative for me. 

Journaling is something that I think almost everyone can enjoy as long as they find a format they like.

So on your day of detox, you could spend a little bit of time journaling. 

You can experiment with different prompts if you’re new to it or just brain dump your thoughts. 

I personally find writing or drawing really therapeutic. 


Now– I’m not going to lie, I don’t love working out. 

However, I always feel amazing after a workout and never regret it. 

It doesn’t have to be a super intense workout either; it could just be stretching or going for a walk outside. 

Moving your body is a great way to feel a lot better and give you a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. 


Whenever I have a stressful week, my space reflects it.

This is a great time to clean your room or apartment, do laundry, wash your bedding, and do whatever it is you gotta do to clean your space. 

I definitely believe that a clear space equals a clear mind, so I love doing this whenever I feel like I’m in a slump and want to trick myself into a more positive state by making my environment a little more enjoyable. 


Sometimes when I look away from a screen for just 30 minutes I feel better and have a clearer head.

Slowing down is vital for many peoples’ mental health(including mine), which is why I like to spend a bit of time away from electronics, specifically social media. 

Instead I like to spend my time playing the piano, meditating, or journaling. 

I hope that these tips reminded you to take some time out for yourself– no matter how simple the task may be. 

We all know that we should exercise and eat healthy, but it’s easy to forget about the importance of them sometimes. 

I definitely struggle with doing these things consistently so this post was a reminder to me as well 🙂

Read More: The Easiest Healthy Snacks